
How to Be a Healthy Trucker

How to Be a Healthy Trucker

Health Truckers are Happy Trucker - Get HealthyAs a truck driver, you do everything possible to keep your vehicle in good shape. That’s how you avoid semi-truck breakdowns and unnecessary trips to the shop. From a convenience and a financial standpoint, it makes sense to take care of your truck. Unfortunately, not all truckers treat their own body with the care that they treat their vehicle.

In order to continue doing your job as effectively as possible, you need to be in good shape. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself breaking down and needing to take time off to get better. By staying healthy, you won’t have to face these problems and you can continue to earn a living.

To get you started, here are three quick tips for truckers to stay healthy on the road.

Avoid Truck Stop Food

It’s easy to justify fast food when you’re out on the road—it’s quick, it’s cheap, and it’s tasty. But it’s also terrible to eat on a regular basis. Remember, your diet is one of the most important parts of your health. Don’t take it for granted.

If you don’t trust yourself to find healthy options at the truck stop, try packing meals. By stopping at a grocery store, you can find better food (and more of it) for cheaper. Try to focus on fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other low-sodium foods. If possible, bring a cooler to store extra food and beverages.

Go for a Run or a Ride

As a truck driver, you spend a lot of time sitting down. It’s the very nature of your job. Unfortunately, I don’t think they make standing desks for truckers, so you’re stuck with sitting. But that doesn’t mean you can’t squeeze in a little exercise.

A light jog or even a walk after a long day on the road can go a long way. It will get the blood pumping and, in turn, boost your metabolism. If you’re not one for running or walking, you can buy a collapsible bike that will fit in your cab and can be brought out for a quick ride once you pull over.

Don’t Forget About Mental Health

Driving in a truck by yourself for ten hours a day isn’t always the best activity for your brain. Be sure to do some reading, whether you bring a book or simply read a few news stories on the Internet. You should also try and engage in communication with others. You can call your family, email a friend, or find another driver to talk to on your CB radio—anything to break up the solitude. Other ideas to boost brain activity include listening to music, playing games, watching movies, etc.

You’d be surprised at the impact your mental health has on your physical well being.

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