
The Risks Of Driving While Tired

Unsafe Sleepy Semi Truck Driving Hazards

The Risks Of Driving While Tired

Lets face it. Many Americans are constantly in a rat race to maximize their time as much as possible. Whether it is working long hours for more pay or being out late to have fun with your friends, many people are stretching themselves out too thin. The exhaustion of juggling your professional and private life can be very tiring. One of the biggest risks behind the wheel is inadequate sleep. Drowsy driving can turn a routine drive home into a dangerous one.

Below our Flint Michigan semi trailer repair technicians explains the dangers of drowsy driving and what they have learned after getting a collision repair call after accidents caused by sleep deprivation.

What Is Drowsy Driving?
Drowsy driving is considered when a person is fatigued or sleepy from exhaustion. Whether you frequently get poor sleep or have a night of bad sleep, drowsy driving can happen. There are many conservative estimates on how many accidents happen a year from drowsy driving, but it is considered one of the leading causes of accidents in the country.

What Are The Warning Signs Of Drowsy Driving?
There are many warning signs of drowsy driving. First, constant blinking or yawning is a sign that your exhaustion levels are high. Second, your memory of your trip is spotty very quickly. If you are unable to remember the last couple miles of a trip, it could be a sign you are driving past exhaustion. Third, a hard time staying on course is a warning sign as well. If you keep missing your exits or taking wrong turns, it may be a sign that you are too sleepy to drive. Lastly, a hard time of maintaining a straight path is an obvious warning sign. If you feel your vehicle constantly hitting the rumble strip in the road, do the smart thing and pull over.

How To Prevent Drowsy Driving
There a few ways to prevent drowsy driving. Make sure you develop good sleeping habits. Adults need at least seven hours of sleep a day. Make a priority to hit that number. If you have trouble getting it all in one sitting, carve out nap times to hit the mark. Naps are not the best way to solve this issue, but it is better than getting no sleep at all. A consistent sleeping schedule is important as well. It can be tough to maintain depending on your work schedule, but try your best to keep it consistent. Avoid medications that can make you drowsy as well. If the medication is a necessity, speak with your physician to see if there is better alternative for you. Lastly, try to monitor your sleep. There is a lot of technology available that can help you maximize the quality of your sleep and detect if a disorder is present.

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